Sometimes I wonder what runs through the minds of those who sexually abuse underaged girls. Don't they have sisters or daughters and doesn't it cross their minds that theirs could be treated the same way they are treating another person's? Well be it as it may, I am pretty excited about the outcome of this case but in the end, was it worth defiling this innocent girl? Her pride, her dignity, her innocence and self-worth just flashed before her eyes as 'gone.' But hey girl, just incase you are reading this, you are still beautiful; don't let anything tell you other wise.
Ten men have been jailed for a total of 34years after sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl who posted a profile on a dating website. Dozens of men contacted the teenager after seeing her details online – but while many broke off contact when they discovered her true age, others continued to pursue her for sex.
A total of 30 suspects from all around the country, none of whom knew each other, committed offences against the girl, including having sex with her and persuading her to send explicit pictures of themselves. The girl, from North Yorkshire, was left mentally scarred by her experiences, and is now receiving intensive professional help.
Ten men have been jailed for a total of 34years after sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl who posted a profile on a dating website. Dozens of men contacted the teenager after seeing her details online – but while many broke off contact when they discovered her true age, others continued to pursue her for sex.
A total of 30 suspects from all around the country, none of whom knew each other, committed offences against the girl, including having sex with her and persuading her to send explicit pictures of themselves. The girl, from North Yorkshire, was left mentally scarred by her experiences, and is now receiving intensive professional help.
The paedophiles ranged in age from 20 to 45, with one 14-year-old boy also implicated. The first offender, 39-year-old Mark Harris, had sex with the girl shortly after she turned 13, the York Press reported.
Harris, who was sentenced to four and a half years in prison, was ‘turning a frightened child into a very sexualised child’.
Mark Lindsay, 33, encouraged the victim to lie to her parents, telling them she was having a sleepover with a friend when she was in face travelling to his house for sex. Her mother suspected something was wrong after the girl got lost on her way home, and examined her mobile phone. She found a large number of highly sexual text messages and pictures on the child’s mobile phone and handed it to officers. They used it and other evidence to track down the suspects.

The men who were found to have had sexual contact with the girl included a teacher, a shop worker, a travelling salesman and others.

Culled and edited but sourced from : Kayla Chanai
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